The Rollercoaster Ride called 'Adoption'; from the eyes of an Adoptee
Sunday, 1 September 2019
Happy Fathers Day
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Myriad of Emotions
I like to try and update here as often as I can, even when there has been no further developments or breakthroughs. I like to be able to vent and offload, possibly just to myself, of the hopes and frustrations I feel daily. But I am conscious of it sounding like I'm a miserable sad depressed person with this obsession of knowing my heritage.
Friday, 14 December 2018
DNA results are in...
Nearly 3 months ago I surfaced from the depths of uncertainty and took a deep breath.. a gasp actually, as my hopes became clearer.
The DNA results for L (my potential birthfather) came in.
"He is NOT your father!!"
Whilst his DNA does match with mine, and quite highly, it's not high enough to put him in the 'parent' category. The results indicate that he is very likely to be an uncle, so it seems that L's late brother Bernie must be my birthfather.
I got my answers... well partly. More so , I know who is definately not my father, and now left with knowing who is probably my father but no way of getting that 100% guarantee. And he is passed away. No spouse ever, and no known children so noone closer then uncle or cousin to get to know.
It's another crushing blow to me as the realization hits me that I'm not ever going to get to meet my birth father.
I want to know more about Bernie.. who was he, what was he like? Do I look like him. I ask around with some of these cousins but noone seems to know a lot about him... noone has photos.. noone knows when or where he passed away.
I so dearly would love to develop a kinship with Lenny and his family. They all appear to be friendly and open but in all honesty I'm not feeling that I'm wanted or that i will ever be a part of their extended family. The need to be welcomed and acknowledged in the family I was born from is so strong. I even had another attempt to reach out to my birth sisters after a number of years of giving them time and space. They are still not ready to deal with me in their life.. I don't think they ever will be. One just ignores and the other does a complete block on any contact. Why? Why is it so hard to accept that I exist.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
DNA in progress
Saturday, 8 September 2018
The closest I've ever been....sample processing!!
Here's hoping that my next post is soon, and is announcinng some great positive news!
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
DNA Doesn't Lie
This is a huge step forward. After so many dead ends and brick walls this was a breakthrough.
The graphs below shows in simple terms what the centimorgan and DNA segment numbers can indicate of a relationship and how that relationship is connected to you.
I started to get excited even allowing myself to think that just maybe by sundown this day I'd know who my biological father was. It'll be pretty easy to work that out now having a first or second cousin to work from. How wrong I was. Here I am 8 months later and still not quite cracked it. Lets call this match JC. I messaged JC via ancestry and then found him on facebook and messaged him but my messages go unseen.....this is killing me.
Talk to me!! You are the link to solving my mystery..don't you realise how important this is!!
I'm getting frustrated... desperate times call for desperate measures. So from his facebook page I'm able to determine who his mother is. I message her just asking her to get JC to check and answer my message to him. She asks is there something she can help with? So with shaky fingers I tell her the back story. Her sons dna matches up with mine and I want to find out how...through who??
We have his name.. he's elderly and possibly not in the best health. Hes deaf and so verbal communication is difficult. He's in a nursing home 'in Sydney'.. have a possible suburb. He has a son that would know nothing of me. He has an ex-wife that he is still friends with but would know nothing of me. He may....or may not be my father!! How do I approach him or his family without the risk of totally disrupting their lives. This feels so much more scary and gut churning then it did the first time. Maybe because intuitively I feel this could be the one!! I've talked with a potential first cousin who agrees I could be on the right track!! I just need to keep chipping away at the info I've been given and see if I can strike gold!!
Saturday, 18 March 2017
Discovering my Ethnicity
I read so many reunion stories and I know there are many many failed reunions and many more second rejections, but there are also many happy reunions and welcoming families. Why cant mine be one of them?
So anyway, I sent my dna sample off to late last year and a few weeks later I got results. The first thing I see from my results are my ethnicity origins.
Well this answers it..
I am very lucky and very grateful that I have a couple of ladies that are helping me decipher it all because I'm at a total loss as to how to read the results and compare family trees etc.
You may recall in my last post, after I got the devastating news that the dna test I had with who I thought was my aunty was negative, that I mentioned there is another man by the same name that might be worth following up. Well I have followed it up.
I have spoken to this mans sister who seems really keen to help if she can. Whilst she hasn't spoken to him direct she has talked to his daughter who has offered to do the ancestry dna test as well, so that will give me an answer one way or another, as to whether this man might be the one! Im anxiously and impatiently waiting for word that the test has been done.
And while I wait for that, another door has appeared that needs to be looked into. A number of years ago I made a post on facebook with me and a sign I made with the details I had on my birthfather (details that still to this day cant be confirmed as 100% accurate but its what Ive been told). This post surfaced again recently and a friend here has a friend in Tumut, who knows someone that fits his description, including the name Robert. I guess its unlikely but I cant not investigate a little further. So I have messaged him via facebook and sent a friend request...... and now I wait till he sees it.
Waiting! So much of this journey is waiting. A day feels like a week, and a week feels like a month.