I just learnt today that a most loving beautiful helpful soul passed away a couple of weeks ago. If you have been following this blog since the beginning you will recall a lady I spoke of called Marj. I discovered this true gem when I was digging and looking for answers and information on the Piper side of my birth family. Her late husband and my paternal grandfather were nephew/uncle.
She was a wealth of information and never stopped trying to help me. Its going to leave a huge void in my life. She wanted me as part of the Piper family.. the only one who did. Now that she is no longer here I feel even more detached and lost.
I am just so glad that I got to Tumut early last year to meet her and I'll never forget her words she said to my friend when we were leaving...
I love you Marj, thankyou, and I'll miss you.
Rest In Peace
And so, it has been 6 months now since I had contact with one of my birth sisters. Since it became real that I had siblings and that they now knew about me. I wish I could say its been an exciting, welcoming, fun 6 months, but I can't. After initially having so much excitement and hope from her first message, sadly nothing more progressed. I guess I can't blame her. My simple existence was a massive shock to her. Sometimes for some people its easier to pretend a situation doesn't exist rather then to face it.
If you are reading this N, its ok. I don't hold any grudges. You do what you feel is right for you. But I do hope that just maybe one day you will want to be in touch again.
And my other sister, L... I hope you too will at least give me a chance. I reached out to you only to be totally blocked without a word.
All I can say to you both is, that I didn't ask to be born into this situation, and nor did you. I'm sorry if I have bought problems to your life. But it is what it is. There's nothing we can do to change the facts... its only what we each decide to do with the facts that we each have a choice with. If this is your choice, to avoid it and ignore it.. me, then I have to accept that. All along I've said that all I ever wanted was for you to know the truth, and you both to be at least given the opportunity to do with it what you will.
I wont lie. It hurts! Really hurts! Its a pain I don't think anyone can truly understand unless they are in this same situation.
In light of the sad news I heard today about Marj, let me sign off by saying...
"tell those that you love and care about, that you love them.. tomorrow isn't always promised"